专题赛事内容 专题文章 专题征稿启事 大赛帮助 大赛评委 合作案例 设计访谈


SF YOUniform - 2019 SF Uniform Design ContestThemeSF YOUniformYou and your designare highly expected by 291,400 peopleYour design will vest all SF couriers with brand new SF styleNow the brand new SF ...

@ 发布于 2019-5-28 14:23 阅读


@ 发布于 2019-5-28 14:22 阅读


大赛主题玩转“丰”潮,出色有你你和你的设计,正在被29.14万人期待。他们,是顺丰小哥,你的设计,让他们步步出色,跑出“丰”潮。玩转“丰”潮,出色有你。全新顺丰小哥形象,等你来打造!注:据2018年顺丰年报, ...

@ 发布于 2019-5-28 14:20 阅读

“中国领带名城杯” 第十五届国际(嵊州)丝品花型设计大赛wanted|235

Purpose of the competitionThe aim of this competition is to promote accessory developing smoothly by enhancing necktie, accessory design creative ability ,to carry forward the outstanding accessory tr ...

@ 发布于 2019-4-23 16:42 阅读

The fifteenth international silk products design competition

The fifteenth international silk products design competition of‘the China Famous Necktie City cup’ShengzhouPurpose of the competitionThe aim of this competition is to promote accessory developing sm ...

@ 发布于 2019-4-23 16:34 阅读

“中国领带名城杯” 第十五届国际(嵊州)丝品花型设计大赛征稿启事

一、大赛目的:进一步提升真丝服饰产品的花型设计创新能力,加强服饰时尚的国际合作交流,发扬传承优秀服饰文化,培养发掘优秀设计人才,促进服饰经济繁荣发展。二、大赛主题:《丝意城市》三、大赛内容:真丝服饰产 ...

@ 发布于 2019-4-23 15:47 阅读


PrefaceCross the BorderBreak the time limitation and walk in the welkin with heart followedCross every border lying ahead and reach the distance in your heartPoetry and the distance, dream and freedom ...

@ 发布于 2019-4-16 11:45 阅读

The 20th “Humen Cup” International Youth Design Contest (Women’s Wear)

PrefaceCross the BorderBreak the time limitation and walk in the welkin with heart followedCross every border lying ahead and reach the distance in your heartPoetry and the distance, dream and freedom ...

@ 发布于 2019-4-16 11:33 阅读


前 言穿越·边界踏破时间的界限,往来于苍穹打破固有的边界,只为到达心中的远方诗与远方,梦与自由引领我们穿越无穷的边界第20届“虎门杯”国际青年设计(女装)大赛的T台,与你一起拉开无边时尚的序幕! ...

@ 发布于 2019-4-16 11:24 阅读


PrefaceBUMP INTO THE RAINBOWThe seed of dream was buried in the soil when we were littleIn children’s eyes, future, like rainbow, is a magic colorful worldChoose a colored brush and paint your dream ...

@ 发布于 2019-4-15 13:06 阅读

The 7th China (Humen) International Children’s Wear Online Design Contest

PrefaceBUMP INTO THE RAINBOWThe seed of dream was buried in the soil when we were littleIn children’s eyes, future, like rainbow, is a magic colorful worldChoose a colored brush and paint your dream ...

@ 发布于 2019-4-15 12:16 阅读


梦想的种子,不经意间会在童年播下在孩子的眼中,未来宛如彩虹,是一个神奇的彩色世界拿起多彩的画笔,穿上梦的衣裳,描绘出你心中的美丽世界遇见彩虹,遇见最美的自已一、参赛对象1、国内外专业服装 ...

@ 发布于 2019-4-15 11:15 阅读

第四届GET WOW互联网时尚设计大赛

第四届GET WOW互联网时尚设计大赛章程大赛简介:“第四届GET WOW互联网时尚设计大赛”是由青岛中纺亿联时尚产业投资集团暨东方时尚中心主办,北京时尚秀场科技股份有限公司承办。旨在挖掘、孵化新锐设计师的专业赛事 ...

@ 发布于 2019-4-4 16:25 阅读

2019 “Dalian Cup” International Youth Fashion Design Contest

Contributions Wanted“Dalian Cup” International Youth Fashion Design Contest (Dalian Cup for short) is an international fashion event jointly held by China Fashion Association and Dalian People’ Gov ...

@ 发布于 2019-3-21 20:27 阅读


“Dalian Cup” International Youth Fashion Design Contest (Dalian Cup for short) is an international fashion event jointly held by China Fashion Association and Dalian People’ Government, and the fir ...

@ 发布于 2019-3-21 20:09 阅读