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Outfit Post #99: Biker Chic

2016-4-20 14:01    发布者: alice

For the days that I feel grungy yet want to implement a touch of chic, I wear the classic biker jacket paired with a statement necklace and an up-do.

A leather jacket never goes out of style, you wont believe me when I tell you I have had this jacket for 7 years. Abiding by my ever so favourite monochrome trend, I combine black and white garments.

My accessory obsession is bags – in my opinion you can never have too many. In order to protect my babies from the winter rains and snowfalls, I use Es-Cubed bag covers which safely ensures my bags stay clean and dry. I’ve tried simply using an umbrella to protect my bags and myself from the damp weather in London, but somehow the bag I have on me always seems to get wet. Those days are finally over – I find Es-Cubed to be the trendiest way your precious handbags’ quality will last longer. 

To shop this look, simply click on the bold words below ♥

Handbag Cover by Es-Cubed
Rings by Edge of Ember
Necklace by Shilmp & Ulrich
Shoes by ModeKungen
Shirt by Wåven 
Jeans (similar here)
Bag (similar here)

Photos by Cristiana Malcica


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