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2016-4-20 14:40    发布者: alice

Sunflower smock dress, ASOS
Quilted leather jacket, H&M
Navy leather backpack, Primark
Rings, Vintage
Chunky heeled boots, H&M
Lipstick, MAC in Lady Danger
Nails, Maybelline in Mint for Life

I'm escaping the hustle and bustle of the city for a few days back home in Whitby, North Yorkshire. As much as I hate to admit to being an outfit repeater... this sunflower dress from ASOS is something I've been wearing almost everyday for the past week. I love the Van Gogh style print and the fact it can be split into an amazing two piece! 
Check out some of my favourite fashion reads right now: Charmaine's Closet, The Little Magpie and Pages by Megan.

- The End -

