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2018中央民族大学毕业作品发布会 “尺布 造物”

2018-5-18 11:46    发布者: 织梦人
 “尺布 造物”



  本届毕业设计主题“尺布 造物”,意为同学们的多彩创意是源于一尺一尺的布,尺是中国特有的度量单位,尺的意思在这里还表达了传承传统文化的意思。该发布展示 21位设计师的75套服装,以中国少数民族服饰为灵感来源,涉及研究20个少数民族服饰文化之精华,其中包括:土族彩虹袖、高山族贝珠衣、赫哲族鱼皮衣、德昂族五彩绒球、侗族太阳花、水族背儿带、黎族织锦、塔吉克族织毯、土家族织锦、彝族披毯、维吾尔族艾德莱斯、苗族蜡染纹样等,每套作品都体现设计师对民族文化的艺术解读,大量的手工制作,每一针每一线都饱含了设计师的创作情感及对民族服饰文化的深度理解,设计师就其设计元素进行重新排列组合、打散重构等等,结合现代时尚理念和流行色彩,运用少数民族传统印染秀工艺,使用新兴材料进行创新设计,产生当代与传统相映、民族与时尚相交融的艺术风格。通过面料、配色、廓型等不同视角尝试,探索各种设计的可能性,用服装创意展现我国民族服饰文化的内涵,以促进时尚文化和民族服饰文化的共同发展,彰显年轻设计师的锋芒与激情。 


2018 Final Project Release of Minzu University of China Academy of Fine Arts
"Inches of Cloth work Miracles"

The 2018 Final Project Release of Minzu University of China Academy of Fine Arts wad convened in 79 Tank of Beijing 751D·PARK on May 16th, 2018, which is themed of "Inches of Cloth work Miracles". It means that the colorful creativities of students are all originated from every single inch of cloth. Inch is an exclusive unit of measurement of China, which also implies the inheritance of traditional culture. The 75 suits of attires made by 21 designers take the Chinese minority costumes as souse of inspiration and touch upon the essence of 20 minority costume cultures including: the rainbow sleeves of the Tus; apparel with shell sets of Gaoshan nationality; fish-skin clothes of Hezhe nationality; colorful pompons of De'ang nationality; sunflower of Dong minority; baby sling of the Shui nationality; brocade of Li nationality; mats of the Tajik nationality; Tujia brocade; blanket of the Yi nationality; Iderice silk of Uyghur nationality; and batik patterns of Miao nationality; every single suit reflects designers' artistic interpretation in ethnic cultures. Every single needle or thread of abundant hand-made works is filled with the designers' creative enthusiasm and profound comprehension in ethnic costume cultures. The designers separated, rearranged, and organized the design elements, etc.; combined modern concepts of fashion and popular colors; applied traditional minority dyeing and printing techniques; utilized new materials in innovative designs; and brought forward the artistic style with corresponding modern and traditional features and integrated ethnic and fashionable characteristics. Through various attempts in distinctive fabrics, color collocations and outlines, etc., they explored various possibilities of design. They presented the connotation of Chinese ethnic costume culture, so as to not only promote the joint development of fashion culture and ethnic costume culture, but demonstrate the young designers' splendor and passion.

We uphold the concept of ready-to-wear for this release. Students flexibly utilize ethnic cultural elements and created works approaching market demands, which not only lay the groundwork for students' innovation, entrepreneurship, employment and future development, but also can be accurately applied in today's social and fashionable demands. The process of design stimulated every single designer; sufficiently respected students' designing style; pursued diversified styles including oversize, neutral and Cosplay features, etc.; boost students' initiative of design; pushed forward ethnic cultural elements through the application of diversified designing styles; and reflected the influence of ethnic culture in terms of patterns and details. Students utilize costume originality to present the connotation of Chinese national costume culture, so as to promote the integral development of fashion culture and ethnic costume culture. This release sufficiently presents the school's ethnic characteristics and proves to be the practical result of characteristic teaching. 

