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2018-5-16 12:05    发布者: 织梦人

  5月15日上午11:30,北京电子科技职业学艺术设计学院2018届服装与服饰设计专业毕业设计作品在751D•PARK 七九罐举行。这也是该校第四次亮相中国国际大学生时装周,共有40名毕业生的80套时装作品参加了发布。


  北京电子科技职业学院是 “国家示范性高等职业院校”,是国家级高等职业教育综合改革试验区建设单位。服装与服饰设计专业学院是特色专业之一。该校服装系长期贯彻产教融合、协同育人的办学思路,尝试以创新创业项目为依托,以各级各类技能大赛为抓手,为学生提供真实的设计实践环境,不断锻炼学生创新能力与动手能力。近年来,依托首都设计文化资源,走民族文化与专业建设融合之路,搭建民族文化传播、传承、转化、开发等多元平台,人才培养特色逐渐彰显。

College of Art and Design Graduate Show 2018, Beijing Polytechnic

College of Art and Design Graduate Show of Beijing Polytechnic was held in 79 Tank of Beijing 751D•PARK on May 15, 2018. It was the fourth time for the college to participate in China Graduate Fashion Week and 80 garments designed by 40 graduates were presented in the show.

The theme of the show was “blankness”, which was a traditional expressional form in China, using blankness to bring out beauty. The theme aimed at reminding graduates of staying focus on highlights and reserving some space for the rest. Graduates paid more attention to the beauty of fabric and space between human body and garment, created different shapes through folds and twisting to give people abundant imagination. Theme colors included cherry, lavender, blue, green and yellow. Various technologies, such as digital printing, printing and dyeing and embroidering, were used. Besides making innovations, graduates also attached importance to the fits of garments and industrial details to show the craftsmanship of designers.

